Thursday, February 3, 2011

About to Read Mark Chapters 1 & 2!

So excited to read Mark tonight! :-) Hope you get a ton out of it even if you couldn't be on the call!



  1. Abby Kincaid said:
    I got lost in the very last couple of verses of Mark 2.....The scripture about the Sabbath being set for the people, not the people for the Sabbath is sooo important for today's times, and the world just seems to ignore this wonderful blessing instead of embracing the day that we have to ignore work and everything outside our home and family. We get enough worldly influence 6 days a week....too much most times. We should enjoy the Sabbath, enjoy a day with just ourselves and Heavenly Father, doing things that honor Him. Recharging our spirits, minds, bodies for 24 hours so we can go out into the world for 6 more days and be strong enough to withstand the temptations it holds. As well as being prepared to be Christlike examples to others for 6 straight days. Without that recharge, we may more easily succumb to worldly ways....cursing, getting angry easily, revengeful, etc. Can you imagine how much MORE imperfect we'd be if none of us took advantage of our blessing of the Sabbath? Can you imagine how much more pleasant our world would be if MORE people DID take time out once a week to recharge and renew??

  2. Christina Tervay said:

    The book Mark in the Bible, Chapters 1 and 2, illustrates in several different ways that our views are a matter of perception. How we see things depends upon how we look at them.

    I was touched by a few of the passages and found them to be very powerful.

    Mark 1:1-3 reads “The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah,[a] the Son of God,[b] 2 as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:

    “I will send my messenger ahead of you,
    who will prepare your way”[c]—
    3 “a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
    ‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.’”

    “Make straight paths for him” is a very powerful message. We are to be clear and intentional in leading the way to ourselves for the Lord to join us.

    In Mark 2:10 it says, “But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” Using the word “authority” is a very powerful word and shows me that forgiving someone for their sins is a very powerful and courageous thing! God is not the only One who can forgive – he has granted us that gift as well and encourages forgiveness.

    In Mark 2:16-17 it says, “When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

    Mark 2:16-17 illustrates Jesus’ perception versus the Pharisees. The Pharisees thought it was “beneath” Jesus to associate with the tax collectors and the sinners. Jesus felt it was his “duty” to associate with the tax collectors and the sinners so that he could offer and provide “healing” and “guidance” where needed and accepted.

    Mark 2:27-28 states “Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” It is important for us to remember that God has gifted us with many things.

  3. Kristy said:
    Don't you just love how God clearly speaks His plan into existence! I love how God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are pictured together at Jesus's baptism! So cool! I feel so safe for some reason reading that part.
    Again, Jesus had a purpose and I love how they dropped everything for His purpose. They just up and followed Him. No questions asked.
    Are we willing to drop everything?
    I bet not.
    How cool to be a fly on the wall and see him cast out demons. I can imagine myself cheering!
    His time alone with the Father was necessary just as it is for us!
    Would I be able to keep quiet if Jesus healed me? I bet that was difficult!
    It is not the healthy but the sick that need Him. We aren't perfect, we go to Hiim because we are all sick and imperfect. We need church and scripture and time with God to function properly. Don't do things for God because it makes you look Good or is expected. Do it because you love him, hold desire for His Word, blessings and direction. its so easy to slip out of the habit of prayer and time with scripture. But its more important than eating, sleeping, and bathing. :-)

  4. Nicole Ellis said:


    Thank you so much for including me in your Bible Study! I am shredding the old skin right now.. So here you go!

    What I got out of today's reading is more on a personal level. So it is time for me to come back to God! I am surrounded by sinners which made it hard for me to get back to him. Now I will follow him. Your question was would you drop everything for God! I have dropped the sinners. In Mark 2:16-17 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
    17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

    Although the sinners are around it is time for me to help them become righteous.

    Also in Mark 2: 21-22 21 “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. 22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” I got it is time for me to start new, shred the old, surround myself with others that are spreading the word and are righteous.

    Thank you sooo much. I REALLY REALLY needed this tonight. I cannot wait for next week.

  5. Cindy Hathcoat said:
    Mark 2:16~I LOVE this verse, actually~LOL! It's a very small example to remember...with a HUGE impact~all crammed into one single verse! :)
    Even today, "religious leaders" are put in a "high place"...and "lower people" are not allowed near them. As though the "lowly" are "beneath" them...& not worthy of being near them. I love how Jesus just "hung out with everyone" matter who they were...or what their background was...if they were "popular" or not...if they were "hard-headed" or not...even those who had "rather shady reputations"~LOL! He loved everyone...and especially wanted to spend time with those who "needed" him most. He spent time with anyone who truly wanted to listen to what he had to say. He also didn't go "chasing" people to "prove himself" either. So many people today chase people...trying to "prove truths"...when it's not necessary or even what should be done.

    Just be an example...Ya know..."WWJD"! :D

    "Cook the dinner...and share it! Some people will turn their nose up and be very picky...and will want to know all of the ingredients in it...(and if it looks good...or smells right...and if it's something they're already familiar with...or not familiar with...and will be finicky.) Other people will be happy that you offered...and will ask for seconds...and ask if they can take any left-overs you won't need so they can take it and share it with others they know might be hungry...and will want to know the next time you're offering your delicious meal, if you would please invite them again...because they will be hungry for MORE! And in the meantime, they will be thinking about how good the food was...remembering and savoring each bite...and thinking about the time it took for you to prepare the meal...and how thoughtful it was that you had it in your heart to share it...and will be very thankful and giddy as they look forward to their NEXT dinner with you! Don't cram food into the mouth of the people who don't want your food~it will be wasted...leave it for the people who will ask for seconds~it will be savored.
    I appreciate Mark 2:27 as well. ;) So many people were raised thinking the "Sabbath" is on a VERY SPECIFIC day. With that being said, if we were supposed to "rest & refuel with God" on Sunday ONLY (or Saturday only...depending on what your particular religion has deemed the "7th day") many people would miss their "scheduled time with God" due to work. Many people burden THEMSELVES with GUILT for YEARS...shaming themselves for not being able to attend church on a specific day because of work. God wants a DAY...ONE DAY...and in many cases that day may be on a TUESDAY...or a WEDNESDAY...or a FRIDAY...or MONDAY....Depending on some work schedules, their "Sabbath" might change every week, from whatever work schedule that was chosen FOR them.

  6. ....continued

    Some people may also have to work 2 or even more jobs...which robs them of a "complete day off". God sees and knows ALL of our situations, individually, and takes into appreciation for "creative thinkers"~LOL! Sometimes our only "24 Hours of Sabbath" we can put together are seven days worth of "moments with God in the shower"...or "moments with God to and from work"...or "moments with God just as we're drifting off to sleep"..."or moments with God as we're just waking up". God sees us at all times and "meets us where we are"...We just need to "remember God"...every single chance we get...and God will make those times "Holy" with Him! God is very pleased when we "do the best we can with what we have to work with"...and He blesses our "offering to Him" (non-refundable/non-exchangeable time of ourselves).

    People who are "shut-ins" or who are not mentally/physically able to "attend church"...the same goes for them. God sees them and meets them where they matter what time of the day or night...or what day of the week. He's ready to "have Sabbath" with us. :)

    Our time here on earth is temporary...and for those who may work crazy work schedules or work more-than one job which hinders their "Saturday/Sunday church service times"...know that those situations are also temporary...and God WILL be waiting for you when your schedule slows down.


    ~Cindy :)
