Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tonight we read Matthew Chapter 3 & 4...

What a roller coaster tonight's lesson was!!

Here's what I got!

John the Baptist, Elizabeth's son, was an odd duck. He seriously stood out from the crowd, and of course I'm sure that was on purpose! Reminds me of that song "How the Lost Get Found" one of my fav's! He had to stand out to have people be curious about what he was advocating, which was baptism and repentance.

We learned that doing your "religous" duties, and saying the right thing and proclaiming the right words, are only words and ceremonies, its whats inside you, what your intent is, is it to show that you are following the law, or because you truly have a heart for Christ?

I also love that Christ here is tempted after 40days of hot desert and no food, and uses scripture to overcome! He really is teaching us here that no matter how bad it gets and how much we are tempted, the WORD is our "Easy" button! I also love that He isn't asking us to endure anything He hasn't already endured in human form. So awesome, and makes him seem like he really does know what we are going through. He put himself through it first!
Something else I like here is the fishers of men verse! It's like God's way of saying I have something way more important than catching food planned for you to focus on! They didn't even hesitate! I can only hope that if God asks me to drop my nets and go, that I would do the same, no questions asked. I think I would, I pray I would!



  1. Amber Malave said:

    I thought it was really interesting that Jesus was tempted by the Devil. Why would he have to be he would give in! LOL
    He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was hungry but still stayed strong! WOW

    I also thought it was really cool that the fishermen were so ready to just drop what they were doing and follow him to be his disciples. The fisher of men... That is kind of what we are in our businesses!

    I learned that he was born and had to become like us to show us the way and to teach us right from wrong. Because he experienced all we experience as human beings he can understand us completely and share in our joys and sorrows. That makes me want to trust him ALWAYS!

  2. Oh and I can't remember but someone else commented, why in the world would Satan tempt Christ with the kingdom of the world, it already belonged to him! Stupid Satan lol! Loved that!

  3. Julie Bermea said:
    share the same thoughts with Amber on "Fisher of Men". I didn't say anything at first because I was beginning to think that I'm losing my mind and reading too far into things. You see, in order to help me truly understand and conceptualize the scripture I try to apply it to my life and personal experiences. This weekend I had an epiphany through training at conference. I realized that I was spending my time "selling jewelry", not really knowing and understanding really WHY besides truly enjoying meeting new people. It wasn't until this weekend that I realized I can do so much more - my true mission - to be a fisherman of woman. If I can help change even 1 life, my life, and serve as an example for others I will be operating in accordance with the aforementioned scripture- I can do sooo much better. I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something spectacular (I just don't know what it is but I can't wait). While at the time I didn't know why I was so moved by the thought of bringing a service and opportunities to other women, specially our latin communities, through lia sophia recruiting, as soon as you read fishermen of men I had an "ahhh...I get it" moment.
