Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tonight we read Luke Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

Tonight we read Chapter 1 & 2 in Luke. Luke was a doctor and its why we believe he had such a detailed account of John's birth and Jesus's birth.

Here are some of the comments the ladies had on the reading tonight:

Ann Langdon said:
What hit me is the Angels,
Everyone is always afraid when they see them…. And God always says do not be afraid.  J

Elizabeth was in her 80’s and went through her first 2 trimesters. And then Mary got the news of her pregnancy, went to see Elizabeth.  Elizabeth knew that Mary was to carry the son of God.  And Mary stayed 3 months (Elizabeth’s 3rd trimester. ).  That must have been helpful since Elizabeth was old and going though the last trimester of a first pregnancy. 

I love that Mary and Joseph were just everyday parents.
The lost Jesus.  Found him and asked why he did that to them? That is so what we all do as parents.  LOL
Why did you run off…we were worried.  :-)


  1. Charna Cox said:
    I love that last thing ann said :-) I said the same thing to Amber(her sister).

  2. Abby Kincaid said:

    Regarding Zach doubting Gabriel...I wonder if he thought he imagined it...dreamt it...hallucinated? I mean, if an angel appeared to me, I'd be flabbergasted by that alone! I think I might have to have him repeat his message and my hearing is still good. ya know?

    Luke, Chapter 1 - I find it amazing and hard to picture....Zachariah (and Elisabeth) being so old, maybe 90...over 100 even...and all the sudden being told he'll be a father for the first time. I mean, once you get to a certain point in life, after trying for so long, you come to understand that you won't have children and you come to accept it, right? So then, when you are possibly even "too old", you're told you'll have a son. Not only that, but you can't name him after you. Oh, and he has to eat special food and drink. And you WILL feel joy. No discussion on that. lol

    Luke, Chapter 1 & 2 - I'd like to think that I would be in tune with the Holy Spirit while I waited for the Savior to arrive, so that I too could recognize him when I first laid eyes on Him just as Elisabeth did (and even John from the womb) when Mary walked in and Jesus was barely conceived. Just as Simeon did when He was brought to him as an 8 day old infant for circumsision. As the priests in the temple when He was 12.

  3. Christina Tervay said:

    Many events occur in our lives that we do not fully understand, nor have control of. God treasures those who hold steadfast to His word, even if it is beyond their full comprehension or understanding. Results are not necessarily obvious or immediate.

  4. Here's what I (Kristy) thought!

    Nothing is impossible for God! When Gabriel appeared to Zach, he still doubted, though I love Abby's analogy on that one!

    I found it interesting that Mary pondered things alot. Makes me wonder if she is the silent type and if that is why we don't know more than we do about Jesus's childhood. What a story that would've been!

    How exciting the two birth's must have been! John and then just be a fly on the wall watching it go down would have been an honor, let alone being Mary or Elizabeth. How amazing that they fully trusted what God's plan for their boys were! So cool!
    I can't imagine how in awe the two ladies must have been!

    Ladies I can't wait for next week! We will cover Matthew Chapter 1 & 2. :-)
    God Bless you my family!

  5. "They lost Jesus" just hearing Ann say that brought a smile to my face, I can still hear it! LOL! I thought about that part a lot too and how Jesus was like uhhh, you should have known I was at my Fathers house, I imagine a lil duh at the end =) lol I really enjoyed tonight and I'm really excited about learning more and growing! Gotta work on my quiet time skills ;-)

  6. Something else I got this morning was they found jesus in the temple studying basically right? Definitely not a convenient time for him or his parents for that matter to be learning and studying about God. While they were looking for him he did his father's will and studied anyway. That's how I want my life to be. Study even when the world maybe out looking for me... showing myself that my priority is being with Him.

  7. love that Kristy. I love getting everyones take on the word. It really is the "Living Word" isn't it! : ) Sorry I didn't make it onto the call last night. However, I did read the chapters. I have the bible with different translations on my evo and I swapped around are re-read some of the verses that stuck out to me. I love when the angel comes to Mary and says she is favored and blessed among women. In the message bible it said Beautiful. God is such a romantic. That version also made sense of why she was confused by Gabriels greeting.
