Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TONIGHT we read Matthew 1 & 2...

Tonight we read about Jesus's life in Matthew 1 & 2. Matthew was a tax collector who became Jesus's disciple. There was so much to learn tonight! We learned more about Jesus's birth and the circumstances surrounding it. We learned about King Herod and his paranoid character. We learned that the wise men (Magi) were warned by God not to return through Jerusalem as they had intended but to take a different path after finding Jesus. Finding Jesus may mean that your life must take a different direction too, one that is responsive  and obedient to God's word. Are you willing to be led a different way??


  1. What I got from tonight was that Matthew is seeming to try to prove Christ IS the Messiah from the prophecy. That there is no doubt. Its interesting to me that God is constantly watching over Jesus's wellbeing like any father would his child as he kept telling Joseph and Mary to move and move again. I can't imagine telling my husband I'm pregnant, btw, its not yours and I haven't been unfaithful. Not sure that would go over well here lol. So it would have to take God really speaking to Joseph to keep Joseph from not believing Mary.
    I also found it interesting that Joseph and Mary didn't consumate the marriage until after the birth. I wonder why??

    I guess the bottom line for me was that no matter how crazy it might seem, if God needs something done He will do it and I must trust that whoever needs to hear it and believe it so that His purpose is fufilled, He will make sure they do, whether it be now or later that they get it.

  2. Lisa Bullen-Austin said:

    I didn't know that the lineage of Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament. Immediately my first question was - why would Matthew take the time and trace the lineage of Joseph back to David, if Jesus is the son of God (and not Joseph's biological son). My initial thought was the lineage of Mary would be more important. During our journal time, Kristy must of heard my thoughts. She answered my question by outlining that Mary's lineage goes back to David as well.

  3. Cindy Hathcoat said:

    Hey Kristy,

    Many women do/did not have sex while pregnant. I'm not sure if it's a "Jewish" thing...but still lots of women today do not have sex WHILE pregnant.

    Also, it proves that she was "Untouched" PRIOR-TO Jesus' birth.

  4. Lisa Bullen-Austin also said:

    I never really understood why Herod was so desperate to kill baby Jesus. His actions always struck me as over the top and silently I thought that the story was embellished a bit. Learning of Jesus's lineage back to King David and King Solomon and the fact that Herod was not the rightful heir to the throne, gave me the insight I needed so I could understand the drastic measures that Herod took. It no longer seemed dramatic and over the top but truly the actions of a desperate man holding on to a throne that he knew was not his to hold.

  5. Sorry I missed the call again last night ~ I read the chapters, too and this was my take:
    I think Joseph reacted initially like any man would ~ but, I found it touching that he thought of divorcing Mary quietly so as not to disgrace her! What faith he must have had to listen to the angel and trusted in his wife so easily after that.

    I was also left wondering what the significance was in pointing out 14 generations 3 times...
